During the 1987 Wakulla project, and
virtually all other underwater cave exploration before and after,
traditional surveying techniques were used. In this approach, a
knotted line is laid through the underwater tunnel and periodically
tied to projections on the walls, ceiling, or floor. The surveyor's
task is to count knots (spaced at approximately 3 m) between each
bend, record the water depth at that point, and measure the azimuth
of the line leading to the next bend. These measurements, along with
estimated passage widths, heights, and floor sediment details are
recorded on a slate. This procedure is time consuming and time spent
at 100 m water depth carries a significant penalty in terms of the
decompression requirements in the water before reaching habitat lock
out depth. Having limited time also reduces the detail that can be
obtained. Furthermore, each survey point has an error associated with
the distance and azimuth measurements. These errors are cumulative,
such that long penetrations are bound to have large survey errors at
the limits of exploration.

In an effort to deal with these problems, an
automated digital three dimensional wall mapper (DWM) was developed
especially for the Wakulla 2 project. It is designed to "latch on" to
the front of a Fatman scooter. The DWM contains the following key
elements: An array of 32 sonar transducers for measuring wall
distances; sensors for measuring depth, water temperature and battery
capacity; an Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) for computing the
vehicle's position and attitude (roll, pitch, and yaw); an embedded
computer to provide control, data acquisition, and a link to a host
computer; a propulsion and attitude control system; and a user
interface for both programming and downloading data from the
The general concept is as follows. The
explorer drives through the passage that is to be mapped. The onboard
IRU senses the system's position in three dimensional space, together
with the system's rotation about each of the three axes (roll, pitch,
and heading). At a fixed interval (4 Hz minimum), the 32 sonar
elements fire. The emitted sound pulses travel out radially from the
mapper until they hit the passage wall, where they are reflected, and
bounce back to the DWM. The time taken for the pulse to get back to
the DWM is recorded, and from this the distance to the wall can be
calculated. Thus four times a second, we obtain 32 equi-spaced radial
readings. This information is logged by the onboard computer together
with the mapper's position and attitude. At the end of the mission,
this data is uploaded to a computer graphics workstation where it is
processed and converted into a 3D map. The first "raw" data to appear
on the computer graphics screen is a three dimensional "point cloud"
showing each wall location point in its appropriate location in
space. With a high enough point density it becomes easy to see the
shape of the cave in 3D.
One of the important aspects of the Wakulla
2 DWM technology is that every pass through a given tunnel increases
the amount of information available, and hence the accuracy and
resolution of the resulting map. Thus if a given portion of a tunnel
is traversed ten times during the project, the radial resolution of
the map under random path circumstances will be 1 part in 320, or
almost 1 degree. This will allow us to map the passage in incredible
detail. To put this in perspective, a typical tunnel cross section in
A Tunnel (the main tunnel) is approximately 30 m in diameter. After
10 passes through the tunnel (just five actual missions, since we map
both going in and returning), it will be possible resolve features on
the passage walls a few tens of centimeters in size.
Getting that kind of registration between
separate data sets (e.g. from two distinct days of mapping missions)
does not come easily. The accuracy of the map is predicated upon the
ability to "lock" the guide path ("trajectory") of the vehicle to
some known high accuracy control grid. This is exactly the kind of
thing that the USGS does with surveys for the United States. Each
state has a high resolution control grid, comprising a set of key
benchmarks, into which local surveyors can tie in. The problem at
Wakulla is that there is no possibility of utilizing the existing
terrestrial control grid, nor any other form of alternative position
determination (e.g. GPS satellites), because none of these can be
received through the 100 meters of solid rock separating the DWM from
the surface. What can be received, however, is a magnetic signal.
Rather than trying to create the magnetic equivalent of GPS, we
developed a means of establishing a subterranean control grid by
using magnetically established benchmarks within the cave. These
"waypoints" are registered to the surface, and hence to the USGS
grid. The waypoints are established using induction
radio. Computer calibrations of the
drift data for the IRU showed that if we had a control point for
every 500 meters of cave travelled, then the drift error in the
resulting survey would be maintained within 1 meter per kilometer of
travel in the East and North (i.e. longitude and latitude)
dimensions. Depth is known precisely to centimeter level through the
use of triplex onboard digital pressure sensors which are located on
the DWM interface bus. The DWM is equipped with a lever switch on its
left handle (the same one that contains the diver interface computer)
which permits the operator to inform the onboard computer that a
waypoint flyover has just occurred. Each waypoint, after initial
location, is marked with a neutrally buoyant cylinder wrapped with
prismatic micro-retroreflective material so that it will be visible
for up to 100 meters in clear water.